he music industry as we know it today formed in the first half of the 20th century with the advent of music recording technology.
At that time it was very difficult and expensive process. And the product is a recording of a musical performance. Most of the risks at that time were borne by record labels and publishers reflected in current legislation.
The current system is full of heritage approaches and over the years has become a mess, with writers and players complaining about the "lack of transparency".

The revenue streams generated by companies like Pandora, Spotify, Deezer, Apple, YouTube grew year on year by 39% by 2015 from the previous year.

The money is paid to the rights holder, but very little income is generated record labels, music publishers and collection organizations are not up to author and bank account performers. How did it happen? One of the main reasons is a lot of holding rights organizations appear as "black boxes" for outsiders, and without the ability to identify contributors to recordings and how they should be paid the royalties are kept in the old.

Service and PRO usually also can not be identified recipients of royalty payments, so the money is placed in escrow, and finally the money is distributed between the label and the issuer based on their shares.
Because labels and publishers have no knowledge to find eligible recipients for those payments and are not shared with any composers and players.

FLUXORIN is an effort to utilize blockchain technology to solve problems
royalties and artist payments by providing transparency to the complex chain of rights ownership and use in the distribution of digital music, as well as offering a new model of the process of making music through Decentralized Autonomous Label.

The evolution of clear digital music everywhere has created the real and the very drastic shifts in the way consumers and producers view and use the music industry.
The presence of digitally compressed music files, making it easy for all for a small fee or illegally downloaded for free, has made the music industry revalue how they make a profit from their art form.

The social media of the website has also created a visible demand from consumers for artists to maintain consumer-artist digital relationships, making the internet not just a promotional vehicle for artists, but also the need for profit. 
His new way of distributing music and marketing not only pushed the music industry to new levels, but has created a whirlwind of change as record labels lose control, with artists and consumers having the upper hand.

Inspiring Bob Marley once said, "One good thing about music, is that time hit you, you do not feel pain " But in the circumstances we are currently in the digital age, it is the music and the people who created this music that seemed to feel all the pain.
As the digital age gains in our lives, consumers are demanding the music industry to following this change which, in turn, has caused financial ruin consequences for this industry. 

Di dunia yang penuh dengan konflik, keputusasaan ekonomi, perang dan gejolak terus-menerus di antara bangsa-bangsa, hanya ada satu entitas yang hanya sedikit yang bisa mengatakannya
benar-benar benci dan itu adalah musik. 
Musik adalah bagian integral dari masyarakat kita serta bagian dari masyarakat di seluruh dunia. 
Ini adalah seni yang berusaha memberi makan jiwa dan melukis kanopi emosi melalui lagu. 

With this being said, it is important to note that we have reached a time when music becomes so easily accessible to anyone who has a computer potentially become a phenomenon overnight.
Much of this shift can happen to be attributed to the digital age and its indisputable presence in the music world. According to Rick Carnes, president of Songwriters Guild of America, "Digital music has a soundtrack everywhere in American life" (DIMA, 2008).

The emergence of this rapid new technology has led to major changes in what ever business models are straightforward to succeed in the music industry, and cause many industry leaders to look back on how to overcome their art form. Does the digital age cause the creation and distribution of music to be so simple that its value is reduced? Is our obsessive internet use lending itself to a shrinking rate
respect music artist because almost everyone can become a musical star?

The digital age has created luxury and giants for consumers and producers because it has come to us so fast that sometimes, it becomes more advanced than what we already have can know how to handle. With new technological advances and new and improved media, do the tools to market and promote anything and everything.

The music industry is no exception to this ever-changing whirlwind that has scooped up artists and their music that has moved them to the level of sharing, purchasing, marketing, and distributing. The pressures afforded by consumers in the music industry to be offset by their enormous demands.
It is expected that record companies and independent artists develop new means of communication and distribution of their music as the Internet and online databases explode with popularity.

In this digital age, labels lose a lot of interest and their artists are better able to promote themselves to give them more ownership of their own work (Halonen-Akatwijuka and Regner, 2004).


by : Noisybit
ETH :  0x7C8E2754179892058272B7A0E0c71C630002200d


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