In the next decade the global artificial intelligence market is expected to be worth more than $ 3 billion. And according to PWC, AI will contribute as much as $ 15.7 billion to the world economy in Indonesia on the next decade.

To give some context it's more than the current output of some of the world's largest economies.
AI is expected to disrupt and revoke existing to do business, transportation and job definition as well.
Report from Harvard Business Review knowing that even though AI has been used sporadically in various sectors, the game of changing opportunities has not yet occurred.

The biggest opportunity will only be tapped when AI can work together to utilize each one of
other forces in different geographies, verticals, and use-cases.



AI innovation has accelerated in recent years, the main growth drivers being cheap calculations and access to large data sets. Artificial intelligence, signal processing and machine learning has driven many of the common technologies that run today, from search engines, voice-assisted assistants, and even online ad targeting. Make a the combined cognitive platform that's been happening is not a research project in a college laboratory and it's accelerating faster in the last few decades.

Up to now these clever people are those who receive the highest score by making the smallest number of errors. AI will change that fundamental as logic because there is no human way to outsmart, such as a new Google AI engine or IBM Watson platform.
So we can see in the era of augmentation where humans must work with AI to produce tangible results.


The very rapid progress in adopting IoTdriven devices is expected to reach the total limit of exceeding $ 195 billion by 2023, according to analysts.

Currently in the market it reaches $ 16 billion in 2016, and this rapid growth is mainly driven by growing popularity in homes, mobile devices, and transportation - and the need to capture that data and improve communications infrastructure.

Gartner reported that nearly 6 billion devices where only connected in last year alone with this amount set to grow exponentially next

This is a very significant number and has the potential for a lot of information that is exchanged on various interested parties.


Robotics are at inflection points like the industry revolution in the early 1900s. Having grown at a combined rate of 17 percent annually, IDC has forecast robot markets to be worth at least $ 130 billion by 2020. Asian markets including Japan and China are able to drive these outbursts as they retool to existing manufacturing capabilities.
The market for industrial and consumer robots is poised to explode in the next 5 years bringing new usage case to the surface.
Techniques such as Collaborative Robot, Consumer Robotics are all pushing to support this growth.

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